• Why Toxic Wellness Ignores the Privilege Divide

    Why Toxic Wellness Ignores the Privilege Divide

    I’ve been thinking a lot about the Wellness industry and how the well-intentioned concepts of wellness and self-care can sometimes only seem achievable through a lens of privilege. I’ve always felt uncomfortable pushing the “just be more grateful” narrative in this business, and why I have chosen instead to focus on the real science behind positive psychology. So let’s dive in, ditch the fads,...
  • Nurturing the Unbreakable Parent-Child Bond

    Nurturing the Unbreakable Parent-Child Bond

    Parenting is a journey filled with incredible moments and evolving relationships. As our children transition into the tween and teen years, they often begin to assert their independence and pull away from us. It's a natural part of growing up, but it doesn't mean our role as parents should become any less significant. In fact, maintaining a strong and open line of communication becomes...
  • Running on Empty

    Running on Empty

    We live in a pretty fast paced time, often functioning in overdrive, overloaded with numerous notifications and multiple tasks vying for
  • Get Back Up

    Get Back Up

    Hi AwesoMEr’s We have spent much of the previous resilience modules talking about looking after ourselves, setting goals, taking action, and
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