5 Reasons to Make a Vision Board

5 Reasons to Make a Vision Board

Here are just five reasons you should make a vision board, dream board or life map today:

You have to THINK about what you really want

Simple isn’t it! How much time do you spend actually thinking about what you want in life?  I mean actually spending some special time working out what you want to achieve and how you want to feel.  What are you working towards?  What are your goals?  Creating a vision board forces you make the time to sit and really think about the things you want from your life.

A daily visual reminder of your dreams/goals

By creating a vision board and placing it somewhere you can see each day, you are giving yourself a daily visual reminder of your dreams and goals. Visualisation has been used by so many and proven to work. That is why great athletes use it and you should too so that you can increase your chances of achieving what you want.

It directs your attention

where your attention goes your energy flowsI have seen this quote floating around and it really is true.  A vision board draws your attention to it and helps you get your energies focused on the path towards fulfilling your dreams.

Amazingly talented and successful people use them

Why not follow in the footsteps of some pretty amazing people that use vision boards.  Here are just a few for you; Oprah Winfrey makes a new vision board every six months and I heard that Pharrell Williams loves them too.  Jim Carey used a similar process when he wrote himself a cheque for a large sum of money and carried it around in his wallet.  It ended up being the exact amount he got paid for his first movie role.  Everybody from athletes, politicians, celebrities and business people use them and you should too!

It gets you all fired up and emotional

When you find yourself looking at your vision board it helps you emotionally connect with your desires.  It can help you notice opportunities or simply make you imagine what something might feel like.  I personally find that if I get all fired up or passionate about something it spurs me into action.  Action, at least, will lead me somewhere … hopefully towards my goals.

Start your own vision board today!

Order one today and get yourself planning the life you dream of
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